Monday 18 February 2013

Radio: Sony PlayStation 4

Sony PlayStation 4, or simple Orbis is the new game console from the 8th generation that is going to come on the market in 2013. As an advertising agency, it was decided that the promotion campaign is going to cost over £4m on a duration of about 5 months and is going to use different media, like: print, TV, on-line, cinema, outdoor and in-game. Also during this campaign, a change in target audience is wanted, from 16-24 male to 16-36 male. For the radio campaign a few ideas of possible ads are explained below.

1. In game
One idea would be to have a soldier saying his story like: 'My name is John Capelli and I am at the tower....the war is not going well. I'll do everything that I can to win this. This message is for my wife: Take good care of our son! I love you!'. Then after hearing a few more shots on the background, you can hear him saying with a calm voice: 'We fight or we die!'. After that, at the end of the advert, another voice says: 'PlayStation 4'.
30 seconds, 47 words, background sounds: battlefield shots, soldiers talking

2. Father and son
Another scenario would be to have the father and son together. The father is playing a Fifa game, which can be heard on the background and then the son comes in the room and tells his dad: ' Daddy I wanna play on the new PlayStation 4 too, can you teach me how?'. The father says: 'Come over, daddy will show you how to play this new Fifa game'. Then for a few more seconds you can hear on the background the father explaining what every button on the controller does: 'This is for moving forward and this one for going left-right....'. At the end, an outside voice says: 'Sony PlayStation 4, in stores now'.
30 seconds, 44 words, background sounds: in game music

3. New features
A new scenario would be to present the new PS4 and its features. There will be someone talking about the new unique features that the console has and on the background there will be music from different games like: Call of duty or Fifa. The narrator is going to say: ' New generation comes with new features. The wait is over... the new Sony PlayStation 4 is out now with an amazing graphic for video, more space and great new games. Benefit of an incredible experience on the new exclusive games out now and free to everyone ordering from the official PlayStation website in the week commencing 2nd December'.
30 seconds, 58 words

4. Phone conversation
Here we have a father playing on his new PS4 when his wife calls. The conversation will be: Her: 'Hey honey, how are you? I called to tell you that I'm in town and I found a great bike for our son Jason. What do you think I should do? It's really nice...I really think he is going to like it'
Him(while playing on the PS4): 'Ahhh....don't know....will see...will talk....'
Her: ' Are you even listening to me or are you playing again? You always do never pay attention at what I am saying....'
Him: 'But honey, I just got the new PlayStation 4 and I am trying out some games for our son, I'm not playing'
Her: 'Yeah sure...see you when I get home'
Then in the end, another voice comes in and says: 'The new Sony PlayStation just can't stop playing'
60 seconds, 108 words, background sounds: in game music

TV/Cinema: Sony PlayStation 4

Sony PlayStation 4 or simple Orbis is the new game console from the 8th generation that is going to come on the market in 2013. As an advertising agency, it was decided that the promotion campaign is going to cost over £4m on a duration of about 5 months and is going to use different media, like: print, TV, on-line, cinema, outdoor and in-game. Also during this campaign, a change in target audience is wanted, from 16-24 male to 16-36 male. For TV/Cinema advertising, there will be channels like: Sky Sports, Dave, 4oD and movie for cinema: The Internship, Red 2 and The Wolverine . A couple of ideas for this are explained below.

1. Father and son
The first video,30 seconds, is going to illustrate the father and son bonding. As this entire campaign is aiming to change the audience to male who want to have a kid and a family or they have it already, the video is going to show how tradition is passed from the father to his son. There is going to be a living room, on a Saturday night, the father is playing football on the new PS4 and his kid comes into the room and watches. Then the father is going to ask him if he wants to play as well, so he is going to show to his child how to play it. Then the wife (mother of the boy) comes into the room and stays next to the door and watches how the two have fun playing together. At the end there is a narrator saying: 'New generations....same traditions....Sony PlayStation 4 perfect for your family'.

Please click to enlarge and see below the abbreviations present in the storyboards


Camera angles (CA)
Camera movements
Change of focus
Participant (P)
Observer (O)
Low angle (LA)
High angle (HA)

Close up (CU)
Medium (M)
Long (L)

Pan (P)
Tilt up (TU)
Tilt down (TD)
Dolly (D)

Zoom in (ZI)
Zoom out (ZO)

Natural sounds (NS)
Artificial sounds (AS)
Mood music (incidental) (MM)
Songs (S)
Jingles (J)

In (I)
Out (O)

2. Shazam
The second video is going to be the traditional game console advert, 15 seconds, where the new PS4 is showed next to an exclusive game. Ten seconds from inside of the game are showed then on the screen the new PS4 and the DVD game is showed with the message: 'Pre-book now for an exclusive offer'. Also, during the entire video the Shazam (the new sound recognition service) logo is shown at the bottom left of the screen with the message: 'Load for more exclusive offers'. So people know that they can open the application on their phone and start loading the sounds, then they will automatically be sent to the official PlayStation website where they can benefit of a better offer for pre-booking the console, they get not just 1 but 2 games for free.
During the commercial, the song: Wavin' Flag from K'naan is going to be played due to its success during the 2010 FIFA World Cup.

Sounds: SONGS


Please click to enlarge 


Print: Sony PlayStation 4

Sony PlayStation 4 or simple Orbis is the new game console from the 8th generation that is going to come on the market in 2013. As an advertising agency, it was decided that the promotion campaign is going to cost over £4m on a duration of about 5 months and is going to use different media, like: print, TV, on-line, cinema, outdoor and in-game. Also during this campaign, a change in target audience is wanted, from 16-24 male to 16-36 male. For print advertising, there will be gaming magazines and newspapers and some outdoor billboards. A few ideas for this are explained below.

1. AR (Augmented reality)
There is going to be a simple picture of the new console (like the one above) and is going to have as a title: 'Sony PlayStation 4 out soon'. On the bottom, right corner, there is going to be a small picture of Blippar (a new app that people can use on their smartphones). 

When they will see the logo, people will know that it is a print advert that can be scanned with the phone using the app. Once they do this, on their phone there is going to show a full video describing the new games available for the console, show the new controller and also it is going to reveal the release date. At the end of the clip, they will be directed to the official website. The reason for using this, is that the people who play this kind of games are the ones who like technology and innovation and they will most definitely going to have a smartphone that can use this application.

2. Bundle
Another idea would be to have an image with a promotional bundle. This would let people know that the new PS4 is going to be out soon and that they can benefit of a great offer if they pre-order. In the picture there is going to be: the new PS4 with 2 controllers and 3 exclusive games. It is going to be written on the image: 'Pre-order now and get the full bundle at a basic price'. Also on the bottom of the picture there is going to be the website where they can go an order.

3. TV
The 3rd print will be an image with a big plasma TV showing one of the new games, a game that can only be played on PlayStation 4. Next to the TV it can be seen the new game console and the DVD game. The idea is for the people to see the new PS4, the game and the video quality of one of the new games. They will get the chance to see that on the big plasma screen TV that is showed in the image. Also as a message, there is going to be short but direct one: 'New video quality, new generation...PlayStation 4'.

4.Father and son
Another print idea would be to represent the father and son, which is exactly the new target audience that PS4 is trying to reach. So there is going to be a big TV, a couch, the new PS4 and the father and son playing on it. The image will show how they bond and how dad shows his son how to play football. The message will be: 'New generations...same traditions'. This is meant to show that, no matter if there is a new generation of game consoles, the son will still play the game just like his father did when he was the same age.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Copywriting: Iasi, a city worth visiting

Iasi is one of the largest and oldest cities in Romania. Well known for being a student friendly city, with top universities and good resources for studies, great places for nights out and cheap prices. Coming from a person who lived there 8 years, it can be said that it's a really good place to live, big city, a lot of job opportunities, there is always something new going on so you don`t get bored, like free concerts or all sorts of other events.

Palas Overview

Part of its beauty is the new Palas Iasi, next to the historical Palace of Culture. The Palas ensemble is a ''city in the heart of the city''. Here you can find A-class offices, apartments, areas for retail, children`s playground, gym, clubs, restaurants and also an underground parking lot for almost 2.500 cars.Thinking that Romania is still in recession, is worth mentioning that at Palas there are over 4.000 permanent jobs and that companies are recruiting all the time.

Palace of Culture ( )      

             Palas Iasi ( )                   

Nevertheless, a well know place in Iasi where students tend to spend most of their time, is Tudor Vladimirescu. Here you can find part of the accommodation that University Al. I. Cuza is offering. This became a student's area, with a lot of great places to hang out and shop, everything being a bit cheaper than in other areas. Basically you have everything you need: big mall for shopping, restaurants, pizza places, pubs, clubs, fast food and many other places where people go, socialize and have fun.
Iulius Mall  ( )

It is worth talking about the main university as well, University Al. I. Cuza. It is the oldest in the country, prestigious for all its projects and achievements, gets thousands of students from all around the country every year and manages to keep its position as one of the best in Romania.

 University Al. I. Cuza, main building ( )
Metropolitan Cathedral Iasi ( )

Besides being known as the centre of the Moldavian region, Iasi is also a city where you can find a marvellous Metropolitan Cathedral and a lot of Monasteries and Churches.

Luceafarul Theater Iasi ( )                .                     
Great places to spend time and have fun are also theatres. One of the biggest theatre in Iasi is Luceafarul. This is a great place where people go and enjoy a nice show,  socialize and have fun. Also, for drama students or those who finished their studies, the theatre offers a great amount of intern-ships, or just one time plays where students can act and gain experience.

Another thing that should be mentioned is the airport. Iasi has an international airport, which is now being expanded, that can take you in great places like: London, Rome, Amsterdam, Paris and many more. This is a great thing if there are students who want to go abroad for exchange programs, work or just holiday.

             Iasi International Airport ( )                    Iasi International Airport Project ( )

Nevertheless, Iasi is a place for students to study, learn, practice, work, have fun and enjoy their time in all possible ways. Because it is a city that never sleeps, there is always something going on. The launch of a new club, a pool contest, a free concert and many other activities that are rewarding for students.
Skye Club (
Indoors Concert (

After having a quick look at what Iasi is about, it can be said that it is definitely worth visiting. On top of this, it is a place full of opportunities, great for living, student friendly and most important is a city that expands continuously and that will never get you bored. So, plan your trip to Iasi and you will discover even more amazing things!

Thursday 6 December 2012

Creativity: Argos Aliens Christmas ad - I can shop from here

Christmas Holidays are coming and companies have started to advertise more and promote their services and products. Argos is one of them, and similar to last year they are trying to attract more and more customers that will buy their products, by using the blue aliens.
Argos hold an USP of selling a wide range of products that are cheaper than its rivals (Management Today, 2010), try to increase their Christmas sales by using the approach to family life in which wanting is enough reason for having (Guardian, 2006).  The audience that Argos is targeting in this video is the everyday family (ITV Media, 2012) looking for an easy and fast shopping experience. The tone used is playful and fun; they make everything look as if buying something from them it’s easy and fun at the same time. In this advert, Argos is the first retailer to introduce Shazam as part of their ads (Marketing Week, 2012). Shazam is an audio recognition app that recognizes the adverts’ audio and takes the viewer`s phone to directly download the Argos app (Retail Week, 2012).

1. Change of tone
Changing the way the father is talking, from a playful tone, where he explains how he can buy all sorts - like a nose trimmer - from different places, to a tone that is a bit more serious. Having an advert where there is a father shown as a more rigid person, who is not that easy to impress and entertain and his kids and friends who are having fun, would definitely change the advert in a good way. He would still speak about the app and how he can easily buy from everywhere, but he will do it on a more serious tone. This image would be shown better with an example like the father printing something and his printer breaks. Then showing how easy he can reserve another printer with his new app, go to the store and pick it up in no time.

2. Character change
A new scenario, in which the new app system could be shown, would be to have the father not knowing how apps work and the kids explaining this to him. Having the entire family watching TV and seeing the new Argos advert where a Shazam picture shows on the screen. Then the children grab their dad’s phone and open the audio recognition app Shazam and discover the new Argos app.  Kids tell their father that his phone can be used for this as well, they download the app and then they teach him how to use it. In the end, happy about the new app, the father shows it to his close friends and explains how all smartphones can do that.

3. Adding a narrator
As it is a Christmas advert, adding a narrator and turning everything into a fairy tale story, would be appropriate. They can have a calm female voice, in the background, telling a story about a family of aliens that came to Earth. She can start by telling how they got here, that the aliens were confused and they did not really know why they were on Earth. After that, picture them in a window shop watching TV and then, at one point the new Argos advert is showing and they start following the steps and downloading the app. At the end, an image with the alien family going back to their planet, while they browse the new app and before going on their ship, the kids turn and say: ‘’We can shop from here’’. This way, it demonstrates how easy and effective it is to use the app, in order to make shopping fast and easy. It reveals that is so easy, that even children could use it.

4. Cinema
Another scenario would be having a group of aliens in a cinema. They are watching an advert of a new perfume and one of them says: ‘Can`t wait to go home and reserve this on Argos so that tomorrow I can pick it up after work, I hope they have at least 1 left!’. Meanwhile one of the aliens goes on his application and reserves the perfume. Then he tells the others that there are 5 left in the store they have in town. Then everyone starts asking how he knows that and he explains how they can download the app and shop from anywhere. 

5. Pub
There is the father in a pub, pretty upset because Christmas is coming and he doesn't know what present to buy for his wife. While drinking his beer alone, he talks to himself and says: 'Only if I had an idea of a nice present for my wife...'. The bartender hear that and he asks him: ' Have you heard of the Argos phone app? You can just click on the Gifts category and they will give you a lot of nice present ideas'. Then the father surprised but really interested asks: ' How can I get this app? What is the name and where can I download it from?', the bartender: 'Go on their website on your phone and you can get it from there. Then just look for a present and reserve it, you can pick it up anytime after that from the local store or get it delivered.', the father: 'that is brilliant  Thank you so much for this! Just found something, gotta go pick it up! See you later!'. This is way the new app is revealed and it advantages.
