Palas Overview
Part of its beauty is the new Palas Iasi, next to the historical Palace of Culture. The Palas ensemble is a ''city in the heart of the city''. Here you can find A-class offices, apartments, areas for retail, children`s playground, gym, clubs, restaurants and also an underground parking lot for almost 2.500 cars.Thinking that Romania is still in recession, is worth mentioning that at Palas there are over 4.000 permanent jobs and that companies are recruiting all the time.
Palace of Culture ( )
Palas Iasi ( )
Nevertheless, a well know place in Iasi where students tend to spend most of their time, is Tudor Vladimirescu. Here you can find part of the accommodation that University Al. I. Cuza is offering. This became a student's area, with a lot of great places to hang out and shop, everything being a bit cheaper than in other areas. Basically you have everything you need: big mall for shopping, restaurants, pizza places, pubs, clubs, fast food and many other places where people go, socialize and have fun.
Iulius Mall ( )
It is worth talking about the main university as well, University Al. I. Cuza. It is the oldest in the country, prestigious for all its projects and achievements, gets thousands of students from all around the country every year and manages to keep its position as one of the best in Romania.
University Al. I. Cuza, main building ( )
Metropolitan Cathedral Iasi ( )
Besides being known as the centre of the Moldavian region, Iasi is also a city where you can find a marvellous Metropolitan Cathedral and a lot of Monasteries and Churches.
Luceafarul Theater Iasi ( ) .
Another thing that should be mentioned is the airport. Iasi has an international airport, which is now being expanded, that can take you in great places like: London, Rome, Amsterdam, Paris and many more. This is a great thing if there are students who want to go abroad for exchange programs, work or just holiday.
Iasi International Airport ( ) Iasi International Airport Project ( )
Nevertheless, Iasi is a place for students to study, learn, practice, work, have fun and enjoy their time in all possible ways. Because it is a city that never sleeps, there is always something going on. The launch of a new club, a pool contest, a free concert and many other activities that are rewarding for students.
Skye Club (
Indoors Concert (
After having a quick look at what Iasi is about, it can be said that it is definitely worth visiting. On top of this, it is a place full of opportunities, great for living, student friendly and most important is a city that expands continuously and that will never get you bored. So, plan your trip to Iasi and you will discover even more amazing things!
Agenda de
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